Dr. 凯瑟琳•菲利普斯

菲利普斯博士. 凯瑟琳
标题: Assistant Professor | Psychology
部门: 社会科学
办公室: PH 102
电话: 210-486-4733 Ext: 64733

关于博士. 凯瑟琳•菲利普斯

研究所:  科学 & 技术


Ph.D. | Philosophy in Psychology (brain and cognitive sciences) | University of Calgary

M.S. | Psychology (specialization behavioural neuroscience) | University of Calgary

B.S. | Psychology with a Biology Concentration | University of British Columbia - Okanagan


Only students I select;I'm open to being asked to mentor a student, but I will limit myself to ones that I feel I can best help. 


I am a Canadian/American/Italian who moved from Calgary, AB to join the Psychology department here at 西北Vista 大学.


I am a Canadian/American/Italian who moved from Calgary, AB to join the Psychology department here at 西北Vista 大学. I completed my Bachelor of 科学 in Psychology at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan Campus. Both my Masters (Psychology: Behavioural Neuroscience) and my PhD (Psychology: Brain and Cognitive 科学s) were completed at the University of Calgary. I currently teach child psychology, and statistical methods – psychology; in the past I’ve also taught general psychology, cognitive development, and cognitive psychology. Teaching and learning are two of my passions, and I aim to inspire lifelong learning and critical thinking in my students. I have a daughter and 2 cats. In my spare time I love to spend time with family and friends – and craft all the things (knit, 自旋, 用钩针编织, 和缝).